High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Pathway to Innovation for Healthy Aging: Investments for Longer, Healthier Lives

New York


November 8, 2022


World Economic Forum

15:30 GMT | 16:30 CET | 10:30am EST

Innovations in biomedicine and technology in healthcare across the 20th century have brought us our unprecedented longevity — now a gift for our 21st century. But innovation cannot stop there; we must aspire to achieve healthier longevity for all, which requires continual investment, commitment and creative partnerships and collaborations to incentivize innovators to achieve the next great breakthrough. Panelists will discuss how the pursuit of equity in healthy aging, the complexities of multiple co-morbidities and the 5nuances of the market landscape are spurring how we should think about ensuring investments in health for the future.


John Beard
Director, ILC-US
Mike Devoy
Chief Medical Officer, Bayer
Richard Jackson
President, Global Aging Institute
Sue Peschin
President and CEO, Alliance for Aging Research
Jason Sterne
Associate Director, Policy Advocacy and Alliances, Gilead
Amanda Stucke
Principal, Health Policy & Insights, Economist Impact
John Beard
Director, ILC-US

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